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篮球鞋建模雕刻教程 Skillshare – Sculpting Realistic 3D Shoes in ZBrush. 讲解在ZBrush中制作一双乔丹篮球鞋的整个步骤,包括大概模型的雕刻,皮革图层的制作,ZB模型细节添加,ZBrush雕刻篮球鞋模型项目流程。
Skillshare – Sculpting Realistic 3D Shoes in ZBrush. This course is made out of three main sections, One creating the wooden mould that the shoe parts will be extract out of. Two extracting all the leather layers or section that will create the shoe and finally Three adding small details like stitching, laces and preparing the 3d model for rendering.

原版CG教程:1940.386 M