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C4D水晶模型渲染教程 Cinema 4D and Redshift Crystal Looking Shapes. 在C4D中通过Redshift渲染器来制作水晶效果场景,主要是折射效果的模拟。
In this class, we`ll use Cinema 4D to create from scratch a crystal-looking geometry-shape with refracting material. This would be a procedural workflow. We will use standard tools of cinema 4D but for render you`ll need a Redshift. Start a free trial to continue this class Get Started for Free Cinema 4D and Redshift: Crystal Looking Shapes with Alexey Brin. But if you use Octane or Arnold or another render engine, these methods and techniques can be recreated in those renders too. Used Software: Cinema 4D (24)and Redshift 3.0.56

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