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Blender闪光弹建模材质教程 FlippedNormals – Blender Flashbang Grenade Tutorial. 4个小时的Blender基础教程,讲解闪光弹建模、贴图材质和渲染的整个步骤,也会用到Marmoset Toolbag 4. Hello everyone! This is the perfect tutorial content for anyone who wants to get started with Blender. creating a flashbang – course. In total over 4 hours worth of Blender beginners tutorials as well as half an hour worth of making bakes, textures and renders in Marmoset Toolbag 4! Blender Beginners Tutorial – Modeling & Unwrapping a game ready Flashbang.
Chapter 1 – modeling and unwrapping in Blender: setting up our scene and adding a reference image with the right scale. Low and highpoly creation process. adding materials to our highpoly for our later Color ID bake. unwrapping the lowpoly model. preparing and exporting our mesh for baking.
Chapter 2 – baking and texturing in Marmoset Toolbag 4: importing our low and highpoly files to Marmoset Toolbag 4. baking our input maps such as curvature, normal map, Color ID map etc. setting up a texture scene. making use of various masks, materials, generators to create our texture output maps. applying camera and render settings for making renders.
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