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Houdini大爆炸特效教程 CGForge – Pyro III – Large Explosion. 讲解Houdini的Pyro功能,Houdini模拟真实的大爆炸效果,会用到Karma & Redshift渲染输出技术。Wield the Power of Large Explosions! Intro, Reference, Missile Simulations, Pros & Cons. Ground Density Simulation. Combustion. Vorticles & Microsolvers. Spikey Pyro. Shockwaves & Debris. Rest Fields & Rendering Tricks. Rendering with Redshift & Karma. Compositing. Addressing Notes And Improvements.
CGForge – Pyro III – Large Explosion. Taking Pyro to the next level is a difficult task which requires a deep understanding of Houdini tools, artistic sophistication, and intentional decisions which aid in time management. This course will render with both Karma & Redshift. The Sparse and Axiom pyro solvers are primarily used throughout the course. You do not need Axiom or Redshift to follow along.

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