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色彩原理讲解教程 Artstation – Simplifying Color Theory – “Color Chat” Vol. 1. 讲解原画制作的时候,色彩原理的一些基础理论知识,如果正确的使用色彩搭配、误区、避免错误颜色的使用,Wesley Gardner画师色彩理论技术训练视频教程。
Three questions you should ask yourself while painting to frame your color choices in a believable, coherent way. Eliminate some key “problem areas” that many artists struggle with regarding picking color. Learn how to avoid “muddy colors”, and actually also learn to embrace them for added impact on your art. Learn how to read the Color Wheel quickly and effectively. Check your values correctly, every time! Learn some industry-standard tips and tricks to getting proper mood within your art. How the Masters handled color. Limited palette usage.

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