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C4D Blender分形特效三维场景教程+项目工程源文件 Gumroad – Octane Vectron Fractal PACK N°2 – Tutorials – Cinema 4D & Blender scenes. 讲解在C4D中通过几个实例制作各种效果的分形效果,也包含48个做好的预设,包括在C4D 和Blender中如何加载预设、场景的设置、分形的制作技术视频教程。
A collection of fractal formulas and 48 presets and scene files for Octane render and Cinema 4d + hours of tutorials.Formulas are compatibles with any Octane compatible software. Setting up Vectron in Cinema 4D. How to load our Fractal Formulas in Cinema 4D and Blender. Basic knowledge about the Vectron object. Tweaking fractal parameters. Realtime navigation with different Octane kernels. Assign different materials to the fractal. Create seamless loops. How to improve your render quality with lights and fog. Integrate fractals with the enviroment. Create complex materials with UV mapping based on iteration number. BasicVolumeLights. FoldingBrotLake. FractalCircuit. FractalsAndTransmission. InstallOctaneBlender. LoadFormulas. Overview. UberSierpinski.
Blender .blend
Cinema4D Formulas Presets .c4d
OctaneStandalone .orbx

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