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PS平面特效创意合成教程 Calop’s Photoshop Tutorial. 80分钟的案例视频教程,讲解一个岩浆火焰场景特效合成教程,包含用到的图片素材。This tutorial is focused on how to elevate and take your photos to the next level creatively using Photoshop compositing. Using this image, I explain the methods I apply to the majority of my composite work. In these 80 minutes, I explain my entire workflow, start to finish!
Video tutorial showcasing my editing process and techniques from start to finish (90+ minutes). RAW file so you can follow along with me (please note that this is just for the tutorial, you may not post the image anywhere online). Frequency Separation action to make your skin retouch workflow faster. Composite assets. Particle Overlay.

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