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三维场景快速制作教程 Gnomon – EFFICIENT TECHNIQUES FOR BUILDING 3D ENVIRONMENTS. TIPS FOR NUKE, CLARISSE, HOUDINI, SPEEDTREE, MAYA & MORE WITH JAMES A.J. MILLER. 教程以沙漠环境中大型 3D 城市环境的演示开始。讲解Houdini 的地形工具、通过建模以满足拍摄要求,以及在 Clarisse 中的散射。 然后完美地桥接到 Nuke等整个流程,会用到Photoshop、Speed Tree、Houdini、Maya、Clarisse、Nuke、Agisoft Metashape等设计软件。
The workshop begins with a demonstration of a large 3D city environment in a desert setting. This type of scene offers a great opportunity for James to cover the importance of Triplanar materials, take a look at Houdini’s Terrain tools, look at modeling to shot requirements, as well as scattering in Clarisse. This then sets things up perfectly to lead into AOVs in Nuke, where James dives into an explanation about what they are, and how artists can use them to their advantage. He demonstrates how to install Gizmos as well as his best practices for when to use AOVs in Nuke before returning back to a shot and finishing off a composite.

原版CG教程:1259.827 M