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Maya+UE4游戏植物树木场景制作教程 Gnomon – Creating Complex Vegetation and Foliage for Games (2022) with Peyton Varney. Maya UE4 创建树干和树枝,学习如何在环境中有效地放置对应的模型素材。教程还包括草的创建以及如何设置一组草的预设,为三维场景提供大量素材。创建完所有植物资源后,将进入虚幻引擎中的工作流程。Follow Peyton as he works through the process of reviewing collected references, blocking out a scene, and creating the trunk and branches of his trees. You’ll see how to place your cards — that you will individually create by hand — efficiently in your environment. The workshop also covers grass creation and how to set up a group of grass assets that offer a strong amount of variation and an organic quality to your scenes. Once you have created all of your foliage assets, you will go into the workflow of proper placement in Unreal Engine and learn how to push your scenes further.

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