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PS打斗场景分镜头故事板动画教程 Gnomon – Storyboarding Techniques – Creating a Fight Sequence (2022) with Rembert Montald. 本教程主要面向对故事板、视觉叙事和绘画感兴趣的人。课程针对中级和专家级艺术家、游戏和电影工作的人,调整自己节奏、设定期望和理解工作标准的技巧。This workshop is intended for anyone with an interest in storyboarding, visual storytelling, and drawing. The lessons taught are aimed at intermediate and expert-level artists and aim to prove industry insights for those working in games and films, including techniques for pacing yourself, setting the expectations, and understanding working standards.

原版CG教程:3924.018 M