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UE4制作动作场景动画教程 Gnomon – Cinematic Production Techniques Using the Unreal Engine Sequencer (2022) with Bill Buckley. 教程讲解利用虚幻引擎的强大功能创建可用于制作的过场动画。指导观众使用虚幻引擎中强大的 Sequencer 工具创建电影的整个过程,游戏级别建立镜头的技术,同时始终牢记电影原则。If you’re looking to create production-ready cinematics utilizing the power of the Unreal Engine, this workshop is for you. Bill Buckley guides viewers through the entire process of creating a cinematic using the mighty Sequencer tool in Unreal Engine, beginning with a review of the needs of the project before jumping into establishing the shots required. You’ll discover techniques for blocking out establishing shots at the game level while always keeping cinematic principles in mind.

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