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C4D+PS科幻场景静帧概念图教程 Gnomon – Creating Sci-Fi Keyframe Concept Art with Sebastien Hue. 本次教程详细介绍了创建关键帧概念艺术的整个流程。分享了如何将 Cinema 4D 与 Photoshop 一起使用,以加快设计过程并帮助实现电影效果。本教程会更多地关注艺术探索,涵盖构图、深度、情绪、照明和工业设计的基础知识。This workshop details Sebastien’s entire pipeline for creating keyframe concept art and focuses on efficiency throughout. He shares how Cinema 4D can be used alongside Photoshop to speed up the design process and help with achieving cinematic results. Knowledge of Photoshop is recommended since this video tutorial takes an intermediate-level approach with more of a focus on artistic exploration, covering the fundamentals of composition, depth, mood, lighting, and industrial design. While Cinema 4D is Sebastien’s 3D software of choice, any 3D software can be used to follow along.

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