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通过 Tim Clapham 的这一系列专家培训学习 C4D mograph 技术。learn C4D Mograph Techniques 01: In this expert training we cover a huge array of Cinema 4D techniques from using deformers, rigging type, blending clones and many more valuable motion graphics tricks. learn C4D Mograph Techniques 02: In part two of this expert training we delve deep into the Cinema 4D Mograph toolset, plus we explore complimentary features such as Xpresso and OpenVDB. learn C4D Mograph Techniques 03: Part three of this expert training brings more Cinema 4D knowledge, OpenVDB, fracturing, dynamics, plus more of the mograph tools. learn C4D Mograph Techniques 04: Part four of this inspiring series brings more Cinema 4D knowledge, OpenVDB, cloth dynamics, plus many more of the mograph tools.

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