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Clarisse Terragen Fusion 超大型自然环境场景教程 Introduction to Clarisse v4 with Alessandro Cangelosi


本套教程全面讲解Clarisse V4软件的使用教程,以制作一个自然环境为实例,讲解Clarisse对大量多边形复杂场景的处理方法,不同物体的处理技巧等,Clarisse新手入门基础教程 Introduction to Clarisse v4 with Alessandro Cangelosi

在这个Clarisse教程中,作者Alessandro Cangelosi将引导您全面讲解Isotropix Clarisse V4软件。从启动和运行所需的基本工作流程开始,Alessandro随后深入研究用于创建完整自然环境的各种功能和工具,同时利用Clarisse强大的处理包含数十亿个多边形的复杂场景功能。Alessandro演示了如何自定义用户界面,管理浏览器和属性编辑器中的资源,使用对象,以Alembic文件格式合并硬表面和植被资产,以及使用交互式实时渲染导航3D视图。然后,他使用基于节点的材质编辑器覆盖景深,创建着色组和材质,并通过组织组,上下文和组合器指导您管理Clarisse中的场景。使用粒子云和粒子烘焙,他有效地散布了大量的植物,并显示了路径追踪质量和速度的最佳设置。最后,Alessandro将带您进入使用太阳光,顶灯,IES配置文件和许多其他照明技术的大型环境的照明设置。

Clarisse旨在简化CG艺术家的工作流程,Clarisse专注于创造和制作巨大的环境场景,外观开发,照明和渲染。Terragen 4是一款非常强大自然景观软件,不同于VUE,Terragen更轻量,更自由,但是使用难度也较大,最新的Terragen 4目前实现的即时的CPU光线追踪渲染。Fusion是一款先进的合成软件,它被广泛应用于视觉特效、广电影视设计、动态图形设计以及3D动画设计等领域。在过去的30年里,Fusion被数千部好莱坞电影和电视节目所采用。Fusion搭载功能强大、基于节点的界面,让您通过连接不同类别的图像处理工具,快速方便地创建复杂的特效!您将获得大量实用工具、绝佳的VR和3D支持、GPU加速性能、无限网络渲染等诸多精彩功能!Fusion为您您带来创建精彩广电图文、戏剧性标题、甚至大片视觉特效所需的所有功能!

In this workshop, Alessandro Cangelosi guides you through Isotropix Clarisse V4. Beginning with the basic workflow needed to get up and running, Alessandro then delves into the various features and tools used to create a complete natural environment while taking advantage of Clarisse’s powerful ability to handle complex scenes that contain billions of polygons. Alessandro shows how to customize the user interface, manage assets within the browser and attribute editor, work with objects, merge hard surface and vegetation assets in the Alembic file format and navigate 3D views with interactive real-time rendering. He then covers depth-of-field, the creation of shading groups and materials using the node-based material editor and guides you through managing a scene in Clarisse by organizing groups, contexts and combiners. Using particle cloud and particle baking, he efficiently scatters a large amount of plants and shows the optimal settings for pathtracer quality and speed. Finally, Alessandro takes you through the lighting setup for a large-scale environment using sun light, dome light, IES profiles and many other lighting techniques. At the end of this workshop, you should have a solid, introductory understanding of Clarisse with the knowledge to create a multitude of different environments, complete with shaders and lighting.


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