创建有趣的极简主义风格化插图 Create A Fun Minimalist Illustration. 学习如何在Adobe Illustrator和Adobe Photoshop中创建有趣而简约的插图。从头到尾制作完整的插图,深入研究插图创作的全部过程,学习如何为插图添加趣味的纹理效果,学习插画制作的高级技巧。要求手绘板和Adobe Illustrator和Photoshop的基本知识。
Create A Fun Minimalist Illustration. Olga Hashim, Illustrator & Graphic Designer. How and why to color block. Moving from macro to micro. The importance of color palette. Accent color. Freehand drawing with a graphic tablet. Pencil Tool settings. The importance of contrast and value. How to incorporate them into your illustration. How to export your vector artwork as a photoshop file. Bring your illustration to the next level with highlights and shadows. How to make your vector illustration pop by using subtle texture combinations.
