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卡通人物面部绑定MG动画AE教程 Motion Essentials After Effects Face Rigging. 讲解AE中卡通二维角色面部绑定的步骤,包括矢量角色导入到AE,然后AE里做绑定,最后输出成GIF动图。Motion Essentials: After Effects Face Rigging. SouthernShotty3D, Motion: Design, Direction, & Animation. Character Design. Character Rigging. Character Animation. Converting Your Animation to a GIF.
In this Skillshare class, we will design, rig, and animate your own character! Your project will be creating a looping GIF of your character. We will be using Adobe Illustrator to design our character and After Effects for animation. I will walk you through the process of designing a character, importing them into After Effects, rigging their face for easy animation, and exporting them as a GIF optimized for the web. We will go through the workflow of design and rigging to help speed up your animation workflow. No prior knowledge is necessary, but some familiarity with After Effects and Illustrators interface will be helpful. I will post classes on these topics in the class resources if you need to familiarize yourself with the interface first.
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